Today we had borrowed road signs and set them up with cones leading into the building and then in the entry and in the church space itself. We took time in gathering for worship to acknowledge that we are a part of a long story of God’s creativity. (Psalm 78). We spoke of beginnings, we told again the Exodus liturgy, we considered exile and ‘home’ and wove throughout it our sense of journey with signs of God in our mission today aware of the past signs guiding and the signs we need to have eyes to see for today. We had everyone with a postcard of signs and got them to answer some questions –
::There are signs all around us each day, but as
Christians what are God’s signs to us as a church today ?::Things from our past that I think we should still hold onto today...
::Given the way God has always led his people into new ways and given our sense of God leading us today, I think the following ways of being the church in mission
on Highgate should be considered...
After response time we asked everyone to hear these words of offering our
selves as God’s people -
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you:
Take your everyday, ordinary life—
your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—
and place it before God as an offering.
Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can
do for him.
—Romans 12:1,
We then got up, with music from ‘Furious Angels’- (Rob Dougan, track –Will you follow Me?) and placed our offerings and all went outside for the Blessing, physically and visibly reminding us that the story we had heard this day was for this purpose of our being ‘sent out as God’s people’ there was a sense of being on the edge of something impossible and bigger than us that calls us to trust in the impossibilities beyond our management and in the incomparable possibilities with God.