in thinking further about particularity, we must not neglect the universal intention of God’s Kingdom and coming. To do so would lead to parochial navel gazing. Bauckham says that the New Testament‘ puts all its readers where its first readers stood – between the church’s commissioning by Jesus and the future coming of Jesus. (25) Further, ‘The New Testament gives the church in every age its missionary identity by plunging it into the midst of the biblical story where the words of the great commission still ring in its ears’ (25)
I think that what we are therefore directed to here is to look for the rhythms ‘of grace’ (?) More technically I wonder if there is a vital eschatological aspect we are neglecting.
The other day a few of us chatted around such matters in a way. It was really about contextual issues and we focused upon the implications for worship as one aspect of our identity – our particularity.
Reflecting since, I am reminded that Brueggemann in Cadences of home Chpt 7 ‘Rethinking Church Models through Scripture’, points to how the late community goes back to learn from the early community to find the resources needed to sustain.
In our own worship, while at Cove and latterly here I have begun to apply something developed from Marva Dawn’s book on Sabbath. In it I hope that it resources us and teaches us a rhythm for our weekly daily living. I admit we’ve got some work to do, but mere experience of it will in time change us.
:: Key elements for Worship based upon a Sabbath Rhythm ::
How we make use of the space we have for fellowship-ing (koinonia). Create a user friendly environment for all ages. Time to relax, chat together.
CEASING – from work, anxiety, worry, tensions, trying to be God
Image for the day
Personal story/ a thought/reflection/ listen to a song/collect/response prayer
Object lesson for children
RESTING – spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual, social
Prayer – various forms
Quiet – poem, reflective music/song/[offering as Thanksgiving]
EMBRACING – Intentional/deliberate in practices/actions, value of one another, one’s call to serve/shalom/ healing wholeness world
Overhearing the Good News
Response activity- song, Alt W liturgy, healing /anoint with oil, lay hands on; [sacrament]
Intercession prayer
CELEBRATION – celebration/joy of new, anticipation of Kingdom, new reality in midst
Blessing & Amen
Perhaps it could be simplified, but it offers some form around which much can flexibly be set. Any suggestions, alternatives?