Friday, December 24, 2004

Christmas Eve - Othering?

This Leunig cartoon gave me much to think about 'Others'

It speaks to me of the sort of questions we ask ourselves. It also seems to me to have the sad sense of wandering lostness that we face in the church fortressed. The sadness in it I think is that this figure reflects on how each "other' one is alone, yet he is no better either. What is it like to be somebody else? - speaks of interpathy. How to connect?
On this eve perhaps we need to consider God's interpathy with us in Christ - the incarnation - God in the neighbourhood! Again we speak much about incarnational theology, we study and research demographics, but the reality is that we need to get connected and relate openly and honestly in our humanity as followers of Christ. We need to be othering in our places!

Leanabh an aigh
Child in the manger infant of Mary;
outcast and stranger, Lord of all!
Child who inherits all our transgressions,
all our demerits on him fall.
Mary Macdonald 1817-1890

Happy Christmas
agus moran beannachan
(many blessings)