Among many things I decided after holiday to hit Lent without this blog. This year as a church we are focussed upon the practice of Hospitality. Interestingly, encouraging people through varipous texts and learning about this biblically, sitting at Table each month and at Caim each week now, it is something that spills into other areas, such as prayer. It has been amazing sitting aorund the Table and waiting in prayer for others, unhurried.
Amidst demands, I needed space to 'learn to pray' and reset some patterns. Lent has been filled with many lessons as I have pursued the psalms in prayer.
We started the Caim and have added the celebration of the Lord's Supper at each service. We also have started using set liturgy according to the season, providing some framework and prayers to learn as well as leaving enough space for listening and creativity of the Spirit. I can't speak for others but in the midst of some demanding ministry this has been pivotal and centring.
Added to this I have undertaken through Lent to reread the psalms encouraged with a little book by Dietrich Bonhoeffer entitled:"Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible" a simple yet useful little book. (More later) Among the many things taking place on Sunday mornings, we have introduced each first Sunday on the month 'The Prayer Cafe' - a space before a Communion Service at which anyone can gather to use the prayer diary we hold up weekly in worship. There is also provison for children in a neighbouring room in which they are gathered to write prayers which we will take into worship later.
A friend has also started a Retreat centre near my first Parish in the East Neuk of Fife, Scotland. Peter is a great guy and if you are interested beyond Iona, then make a quiet space in your journey to Sacred Space at Linne Bheag.