I recently came across the art of Nicholas Mynheer, whose work is iconographic in what strikes me as having a simplicity, yet is very evocative and inviting. Consequently, in preparations for something else and beginning to refelct on this artists amazing work I have tried my own version on our Advent Shed. (See below and slideshow opposite) This is - 'Micah and the Bethlehem event- after Mynheer.'
The figure calling into the darkness is Micah, the prophet, sounding a wake-up call to the people to the God who is 'Second -to- None.' He points to a scene with Mary and Joesph in Beth-lehem overlooked by an angelic figure. The side you can't see has 3 red gift boxes and the words from Micah 6 v8 'Do Justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God.'
Through Advent we will be exploring the prophetic message - 'WHO IS AS GOD?" - and the incarnation as a word for us today! The Shed is a simple presence to the traffic that flows steadily past - postcards have also been run and sent out and available.