Saturday, March 31, 2007


As we enter Holy Week we come to a climatic point in Jesus journey - entry into the city of Jerusalem.
I have often wondered about several aspects of this event and never truly made sense of them. Jesus has been readying himself for this day and the events that follow: Luke 9 v51-56 tells us he set his face for Jerusalem and preparations were to be made for his arrival. They refused him in the Samaritan village and the disciples ask if he wants fore to come upon the village.
So he comes to Jerusalem and awaits the 'celebrity' status welcome from the city. It is Jesus signaling that he is royalty - well documented throughout Luke's account. The preparations and the procession on the colt, set apart, the cloaks thrown down and absence of city officials and priests etc reveal the hardened spiritual condition of the city. This insult and rejection for the visitation - 'blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!' as God's agent makes for even greater impact. As a result, Jesus pronounces judgement and weeps that they did not recognise the divine visitation in him.
I wonder how my city, your city, town, village may or may not receive Christ still? In what ways are there still insults, rejections to the extent that the very stones are cryng out instead, in place of those of us who should watch and pray? How has the church lost sight of the Kingly visit?