One of the exciting things on our trip was not that we covered some 2000+Km’s was the way in which it has helped place us here in New Zealand. Each step of the way provided so much visual stimulation among others as we ‘explored’.
In the end it has given us an even better sense of place beyond Dunedin. It was interesting to move from reading lines and names on a map to actually see these places and continue to have even beyond photographs very vivid images still in my minds eye of places, landscapes we simply passed through. Our sense of place is clearly interactive. As a result of our journey I want to reflect a little bit about this.
Central Otago took us up into high-land and mountain country filled with orchards, vineyards and sheep stations. Here we knew some parts having journey that length before. We me family there and they go each year to the same farm cottage. It was clearly a place that they valued and it was good to share in it together.
The mountains and ranges never fail to impress. It’s when you read the old stories of settlers and life in this environment it makes you wonder. I note the big blue skies above them and how small it makes me feel in this grand stage…
Central otago
Lake Wanaka (on approach to Haast Pass)
I ask myself – what kind of place was it for me? What do I value about it? Perhaps further, what relationship do I have with the place now?
What are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? Psalm 8 v3